The story behind us

Conceived during the COVID-19 pandemic, we know the dangers of neglecting workplace health all too well. That's why, in 2021, we started Mesh Labs in London, UK. Since then, we've expanded to 6 continents and many of the largest enterprises globally.

The mission behind all our work

We're obsessed with helping people improve their workplace health and performance. That's why we develop technology that goes beyond comfort and posture, and actually helps unlock the best work possible, day after day.

We’re on a mission unlock workplace health and performance

Avg productivity gains*
Hours saved
Fortune 500 companies
Items sold

Join the world's most productive entrepreneurs and executives

Our tech backs the most productive people at the largest and fastest-growing companies

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions? Ask Away

Does Mesh Labs offer a free trial?

Indeed! We offer a 30-day-no-questions-asked trail period. Not happy with the performance of the product? We'll come to collect it from your doorstep.

What are the delivery locations and timeframes?

We offer free delivery worldwide. Orders in the UK and EU take 2-3 working days. Orders in the US take 3-5 working days.

Do you offer discounts for non-profits?

We offer discounts to certain non-profit orgs. Contact us via the message icon on the right hand side.

I want to be in the know! How can I find out about new product launches?

We love telling our customers about all the new ways to get Mesh Labs. Subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates here. We'll keep you posted on new product launches, limited edition collections, special collaborations, and more.

How can I clean the Mesh Lab Pro? What are tools needed?

To clean the backrest, first, please vacuum any dirt off the chair, then clean it with warm soap and water. After that, wait until it’s completely dry and you’ll be good to go.In terms of the seat, you'll also need to vacuum it first. Then, use lysol or a deodorising spray on the fabric of the seat, and give it a good scrubbing with a moist sponge. Let the air dry the chair and you're all done.

Come and visit us!

London, UK

22 Upper Ground
London SE1 9PD